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Explicação do valor de nonce

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Ao utilizar a interface de linha de comando do Cardano (cardano-CLI), um usuário fornece um nonce para uma transação, mas quando visualiza o conteúdo da transação, o nonce retornado é diferente.

Passos para reproduzir

O comando cardano-cli governance create-update-proposal cria uma proposta de atualização:

    "auxiliary_data": null,
    "auxiliary_data_hash": null,
    "certificates": [],
    "era": "Mary",
    "fee": 217553,
    "inputs": [
    "mint": {
        "lovelace": 0,
        "policies": {}
    "outputs": [
            "address": "016445bb08465c26cf435a4274b8dadff753b3b9a87f4aa8f88479431d4eb646b86f18f6f4266684f37fbcf4027c650747dc45278ab0bf8c8e",
            "amount": {
                "lovelace": 4782447,
                "policies": {}
    "update": "Update (ProposedPPUpdates (fromList [(KeyHash \"162f94554ac8c225383a2248c245659eda870eaa82d0ef25fc7dcd82\",PParams 
    {_minfeeA = SNothing, _minfeeB = SNothing, _maxBBSize = SNothing, _maxTxSize = SNothing, _maxBHSize = SNothing, _keyDeposit = SNothing, _poolDeposit = SNothing, _eMax = SNothing, _nOpt = SNothing, _a0 = SNothing, _rho = SNothing, _tau = SNothing, _d = SNothing, _extraEntropy = SJust (Nonce \"d982e06fd33e7440b43cefad529b7ecafbaa255e38178ad4189a37e4ce9bf1fa\"), _protocolVersion = SNothing, _minUTxOValue = SNothing, _minPoolCost = SNothing}),(KeyHash \"2075a095b3c844a29c24317a94a643ab8e22d54a3a3a72a420260af6\",PParams {_minfeeA = SNothing, _minfeeB = SNothing, _maxBBSize = SNothing, _maxTxSize = SNothing, _maxBHSize = SNothing, _keyDeposit = SNothing, _poolDeposit = SNothing, _eMax = SNothing, _nOpt = SNothing, _a0 = SNothing, _rho = SNothing, _tau = SNothing, _d = SNothing, _extraEntropy = SJust (Nonce \"d982e06fd33e7440b43cefad529b7ecafbaa255e38178ad4189a37e4ce9bf1fa\"), _protocolVersion = SNothing, _minUTxOValue = SNothing, _minPoolCost = SNothing}),(KeyHash \"268cfc0b89e910ead22e0ade91493d8212f53f3e2164b2e4bef0819b\",PParams {_minfeeA = SNothing, _minfeeB = SNothing, _maxBBSize = SNothing, _maxTxSize = SNothing, _maxBHSize = SNothing, _keyDeposit = SNothing, _poolDeposit = SNothing, _eMax = SNothing, _nOpt = SNothing, _a0 = SNothing, _rho = SNothing, _tau = SNothing, _d = SNothing, _extraEntropy = SJust (Nonce \"d982e06fd33e7440b43cefad529b7ecafbaa255e38178ad4189a37e4ce9bf1fa\"), _protocolVersion = SNothing, _minUTxOValue = SNothing, _minPoolCost = SNothing}),(KeyHash \"60baee25cbc90047e83fd01e1e57dc0b06d3d0cb150d0ab40bbfead1\",PParams {_minfeeA = SNothing, _minfeeB = SNothing, _maxBBSize = SNothing, _maxTxSize = SNothing, _maxBHSize = SNothing, _keyDeposit = SNothing, _poolDeposit = SNothing, _eMax = SNothing, _nOpt = SNothing, _a0 = SNothing, _rho = SNothing, _tau = SNothing, _d = SNothing, _extraEntropy = SJust (Nonce \"d982e06fd33e7440b43cefad529b7ecafbaa255e38178ad4189a37e4ce9bf1fa\"), _protocolVersion = SNothing, _minUTxOValue = SNothing, _minPoolCost = SNothing}),(KeyHash \"ad5463153dc3d24b9ff133e46136028bdc1edbb897f5a7cf1b37950c\",PParams {_minfeeA = SNothing, _minfeeB = SNothing, _maxBBSize = SNothing, _maxTxSize = SNothing, _maxBHSize = SNothing, _keyDeposit = SNothing, _poolDeposit = SNothing, _eMax = SNothing, _nOpt = SNothing, _a0 = SNothing, _rho = SNothing, _tau = SNothing, _d = SNothing, _extraEntropy = SJust (Nonce \"d982e06fd33e7440b43cefad529b7ecafbaa255e38178ad4189a37e4ce9bf1fa\"), _protocolVersion = SNothing, _minUTxOValue = SNothing, _minPoolCost = SNothing}),(KeyHash \"b9547b8a57656539a8d9bc42c008e38d9c8bd9c8adbb1e73ad529497\",PParams {_minfeeA = SNothing, _minfeeB = SNothing, _maxBBSize = SNothing, _maxTxSize = SNothing, _maxBHSize = SNothing, _keyDeposit = SNothing, _poolDeposit = SNothing, _eMax = SNothing, _nOpt = SNothing, _a0 = SNothing, _rho = SNothing, _tau = SNothing, _d = SNothing, _extraEntropy = SJust (Nonce \"d982e06fd33e7440b43cefad529b7ecafbaa255e38178ad4189a37e4ce9bf1fa\"), _protocolVersion = SNothing, _minUTxOValue = SNothing, _minPoolCost = SNothing}),(KeyHash \"f7b341c14cd58fca4195a9b278cce1ef402dc0e06deb77e543cd1757\",PParams {_minfeeA = SNothing, _minfeeB = SNothing, _maxBBSize = SNothing, _maxTxSize = SNothing, _maxBHSize = SNothing, _keyDeposit = SNothing, _poolDeposit = SNothing, _eMax = SNothing, _nOpt = SNothing, _a0 = SNothing, _rho = SNothing, _tau = SNothing, _d = SNothing, _extraEntropy = SJust (Nonce \"d982e06fd33e7440b43cefad529b7ecafbaa255e38178ad4189a37e4ce9bf1fa\"), _protocolVersion = SNothing, _minUTxOValue = SNothing, _minPoolCost = SNothing})])) (EpochNo 258)",
    "validity_interval": {
        "invalid_before": null,
        "invalid_hereafter": 26253029
    "withdrawals": []

The fields being compared are:

--extra-entropy d8b0ee71c3eab43750882bdc0880cf0b46a488d82e5bc9fd5b2fb3e7297bdbd4


_extraEntropy = SJust (Nonce \"d982e06fd33e7440b43cefad529b7ecafbaa255e38178ad4189a37e4ce9bf1fa\")


Internally, the --extra-entropy argument is hashed using Blake2b-256 before it is placed in the update proposal transaction. This hash is applied to the binary representation, rather than the base16 representation supplied. This additional hash does not affect the quality of the entropy provided. For instance, the above example’s output can be replicated in Python with the following sequence of commands:

>>> import hashlib
>>> hashlib.blake2b(bytes.fromhex(
...   "d8b0ee71c3eab43750882bdc0880cf0b46a488d82e5bc9fd5b2fb3e7297bdbd4"),
...   digest_size=32).hexdigest()
Última atualização:
Contribuidores: cauechianca